Car Keys and Smart Fobs

Concerns regarding security, especially in the vehicle, are quite apparent, and so is the desire to have the vehicle secured. This greatly interests the potential customer wondering just how well the vehicle is protected and if additional steps can be taken to improve safety. Such measures include using locksmith technology, like car keys or smart fobs as an advanced means of security on vehicles.Car Keys and Smart Fobs!

Car Keys and Smart Fobs

These tools offer a significant upgrade over traditional methods. For instance, in recent model cars, traditional foolish key fobs are replaced with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) smart fob which uses relatively tiny signal strength to unlock the Car, eliminating the chances of Relay attacks in which thieves amplify your key fob’s antenna signal and steal your car.

The purpose of this article is to extend on the security benefits provided by smart key technology and keyless entry systems. Well include everything that includes, from a basic digital car key that can start your car without taking the key from your pocket, to advance features which guard against the basic car theft techniques.

Overview of smart key technology

Smart key technology has revolutionized the security of vehicles. The smart key fob and the car are able to communicate using this technology thanks to RFID signals. This system allows operators to lock, unlock and even start their vehicles with their keys in the pockets.

This feature greatly increases the comfort for the drivers.

The key fob was born in the 1990’s and 2000’s with the security codes. The security codes were used to restrict cases of theft of vehicles. Eventually, these manufacturers incorporated more buttons for other functions such as trunk release and panic alarms. Functionalities of the devices were significantly enhanced.

Antitheft smart direct fob always detects idle keys. This type of smart solution is one of the best ways of eliminating current relay thefts. Some models possess this additional capability while in other models the upgrade is offered as an add on in the security system of the vehicle.